Not to Bad For A Good Little Baptist Girl...

Short stories and thoughts from a former good little baptist girl.

Sunday, October 01, 2006



Blogger Jennifer said...

Oh really? How long are we going to have to wait?

6:28 AM  
Blogger Susan said...

Good grief... if you took the time to type that you could have typed a real blog post. Come on. You have a lot to tell your reading public!

7:11 AM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Well I guess since she just teased her reading public I will have to fill you in a little.

Angela has gone to the nunnery for Pageant Raid, to get a fun mammogram tomorrow, and back to the Judson for the rest of the weekend.

Evidentally she was stopped by a Marion policeman between J&R's and the turning place for speeding. I think he let her go without giving her a ticket.

She still seems to like work. She mentions Mr. Andy quite often. I will just say that he is a cute 21 year old college student who works there in the afternoons with the school aged kids.

She has fallen three times at work and been in a wreck during less than two months.

I had to go to her school this afternoon because I packed her phone charger and she packed my phone charger. Since she had two and I had none, I went to get me one. I got to check out the big playground that happened to have Mr. Andy standing on it. Her boss was bragging on her and seems to love her. All ages of the kids were hollering, "Ms. Angela, Ms. Angela" and they all seemed to love her.
When I got there and got out of the car, a little boy that is as fascinated by cars as Josh Cox is by vacuum cleaners yelled, "Are you Ms. Angela's mother?" I said yes and was wondering if he thought I was coming to pick her up like the other mothers,but he told me that he knew I was her mother because he had seen her in my car the other day when she drove it. I thought that was darn good for a four year old and wondered how he was identifying the car. I thought maybe he was looking at the pillow in the back seat. Susan, he said "Yeah, I noticed that big dent." Then Angela said that he would have recognized it even if nothing were special about it, but that he had been very upset that there was a dent in it where someone hit it in the driveway - SJ - and it wasn't Steve.

She has lots of cute things to tell about the four year old twins she is teaching at church and the black kids at work. For example, after the wreck one of the little boys yelled, "There's the police, they're coming to arrest us." The EMT's brought out a body board and a little girl screamed and then yelled, "Somebody got dead."

The old van she was driving stalled in the middle of an intersection and the eighth grade boy that is her co-pilot gave her advise that worked.

Angela has learned what happens when you leave the lights on and how to clean up poop.

She is going through that typical Judson thing at about 21 when you want a baby so much. She said if they ever give her a little black baby to keep, she may hide it in her coat and take off with it. I said she would probably put it in her pants like she did the baby doll she stole from church when she was little.

I guess that is enough. She will be mad at me for telling about her bee's wax.

10:46 PM  
Blogger Susan said...

She's going to be MAD at you. I can hear it now... "Did you steal my stuff? Stop stealing my stuff!"

I wouldn't hit your car if you or my Fathah or whoever wouldn't park it crazy. If you're going to park behind somebody, park behind them... not completely out of their way except the passenger front corner of your car.

12:50 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

Angela...write....I miss my penpal!

7:31 PM  
Blogger Mammy said...

Oct. 11 and she is not mad yet. Of course I'm sure she hasn't read it yet. I wish you could have heard her monologue tonight about how Ann Margaret and Laura Lee already have more of a love life at 4 than she has had her entire 21 years. I told her not to worry if they could just keep Carson coming, she could learn a lot from them.

11:17 PM  

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